Friday, February 15, 2013

Men Are More Difficult To Read Facial Expressions

This scientific proof why not simply just install the sullen look when we expect him/her to help us beberes home. The man turned out it took longer to assess facial expression, according to research from Edinburgh University, Scotland.

The researchers say that these studies confirm the ability of men and women in empathizing, pretend, and process of social stimulation.

"Our Findings suggest that men have strategies to overcome their natural empathy that is lower with activate parts of the brain that perceive social cues-cue is excessive," said Professor Stephen Lawrie, head of the Department of Psychiatry from Edinburgh University who led the study.

In the experiments, researchers using brain mapping for memelajari male and female reactions when shown pictures of faces with different expressions. They were asked to explain how intelligent a person based on the expression of her face, whether he can be trusted, and whether it is friendly or not. When they give you the answers, the researchers measured the length of the reaction of the respondents and do scanning their brains.

According to this, brain mapping blood flow to parts of the brain that functions to make emotional decisions shows that the brains of men must work harder to make emotional judgement. The study is designed to give enough time for men to read emotions, however when faced with decision making in quick time in real life men is more difficult to make an assessment of it than women.

When asked about the intelejensi of a person, there is little difference between men and women. In terms of deciding whether someone is friendly or not, the guy takes more time. Even so, basically has the same opinion of men with women.

The pattern seen on this guy according to Lawrie also looks at people with autism conditions, which also had difficulty distinguishing facial expressions. Therefore, the research team recommends the use of new tools to help people with autism social rules and increase memelajari their skills to communicate with others.

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